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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/062

The status of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1995

By R.G. Bradford; G. Chaput


The spawning stock of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in the Northwest Miramichi in 1995 was estimated at about 40,000 to 60,000 fish. The 1991 yearclass was the largest single component. Estimates of spawner abundance based on CPUE and catchability of adult striped bass were to the same magnitude as those obtained from the mark and recapture experiment. There were no indications that spawner abundance increased from the previous year as anticipated on the basis of the high abundance (40,000 to 50,000 fish) of males of the 1991 yearclass in 1994 and recruitment of females from this yearclass into the spawning population in 1995. Female striped bass, predominantly virgin age 4 fish, comprised about 35% to 40% of the spawning population. The bycatch harvests in the NW Miramichi gaspereau fishery were about 9,575 fish (equivalent to 8.8t) and total landings for the entire Miramichi gaspereau fishery (districts 71 to 73) were estimated at 12,300 fish (equivalent to 11.3t). Average CPUE of bycatch O group in the autumn Miramichi smelt fishery was the highest observed since monitoring of this fishery was initiated in 1991. All the reported recaptures in May and June of previously tagged striped bass from the southern Gulf occurred in the Miramichi River. The known geographic range of migratory Miramichi striped bass extends from Percé, Quebec, to Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Production of Miramichi striped bass until at least 1998 will be heavily dependent on spawner success of the 1991 yearclass.

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