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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/079

Assessment of NAFO Division 4T southern gulf of St. Lawrence herring stock, 1995

By R. Claytor; C. Leblanc; J. Dale; G. Nielsen; L. Paulin; C. MacDougall; C. Bourque


For the fall spawning 4T herring stock, fishing mortalities were slightly above target levels in 1995. Fall spawning stock F0.1 fishing levels are projected at 56,000 tonnes for 1996. Estimated biomass of 4+ fall spawners has declined from the peak in 1992 and is about 280,000 tonnes. This level is similar to levels in 1985 and 1986. The principal reason for the biomass decline is the passing of the large 1987 year-class through the population and fishery with only below average recruitments being observed since 1988.

For the spring spawning 4T herring stock, fishing mortalities were slightly above target levels in 1995. Spring spawning stock F0.1 levels are projected at 17,000 tonnes for 1996. Estimated biomass of 4+ spring spawners has declined from 1992 levels but is similar to 1994 at about 80,000 tonnes. Similar to the fall spawners, the large 1988 year-class which supported this fishery for the last four years has decreased and not been replaced by another above average year-class.

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