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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/080

An assessment of the cod stock in NAFO Division 2J+3KL

By P.A. Shelton; D.E. Stansbury; E.F. Murphy; G.R. Lilly; J. Brattey


A moratorium on commercial fishing on this stock has been in effect since 1992. Although catches from a recreational fishery were relatively high in the year following the moratorium, catches over the last two years are thought to have been minimal. The Sentinel Survey resulted in a catch of about 330t in 1995. This catch was submitted to intensive biological sampling. Autumn research vessel survey indices of cod biomass and abundance in divisions 2J3KL have indicated severe declines in recent years. The 1995 estimate cannot be compared directly with the preceding estimates because of a change in survey gear and vessel, however the mean weights at age in both the Sentinel Survey catches and the trawl survey that the downward trend has been reversed in the most recent years. O particular concern in the assessment of this stock is the absence of any indication of good recruitment.

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