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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/086

Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in eleven rivers of Bay St. George (SFA 13) Newfoundland, 1994

By D.G. Reddin; C.C. Mullins


This paper provides details on the status of salmon stocks in eleven rivers of Bay St. George, Newfoundland. Bay St. George rivers have in the past been high producers of multi-year salmon or salmon that spend multiple years at sea. Estimates of available parr-rearing habitat in each river including stream and some pond habitat are used to provide target egg deposition rates consistent with biological conservation. Angling catches and exploitation rates developed from rivers in Bay St. George with counting facilities and adjusted for run timing are used to estimate total river returns for rivers without counting facilities. Stock status is provided in terms of achievement of target egg deposition rates. The results indicate that with the exception of Little and Grand Codroy rivers, no rivers in Bay St. George have achieved target egg deposition in recent years. Total recruits for Bay St. George salmon stocks have declined in recent years from higher numbers of recruits in the early 60s and 70s. Consistent with anglers observations the numbers of salmon in freshwater have increased in 1992-94 compared to previous years.

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