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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/098

Non-traditional groundfish species on the Labrador Shelf and Grand Banks - Skate

By D.W. Kulka; E. DeBlois; B. Davis


With the decline in the "traditional" groundfish resources in the waters around Newfoundland, interest in the exploitation of alternate species has increased in recent years. In 1993, the Provincial Department of Fisheries carried out experimental fishing for skates and the work was continued in 1994 by the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Markets for skate wings were developed and directed fisheries began during 1994, continuing into 1995 and 1996. The first quotas were imposed in 1995 based on limited biological information. This study builds on the previous work by examining changes in the distribution of skates on the Grand Banks and Labrador Shelf, and updating the available information on biomass, abundance, and size in NAFO Divisions 3L, 3N, and 3O. Skates were found to form a continuous but highly-aggregated distribution on the Shelf and this distribution has become more truncated to the south since 1991. As well, survey indices of thorny skate declined in Divisions 3L and 3N while fluctuating in Division 3O. Research survey data from 1984 to 1995 were examined to provide some preliminary information to assist in management of the resource. Given the highly-aggregated nature of the distribution and the biological differences observed between areas, separating the management units to 3LN, 3O, and 3Ps would ensure that fishing effort is distributed over a wide area.

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