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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/103

4VWX + 5ZC white hake 1996 stock assessment

By M. Fowler; J. Black; R. Mohn; M. Sinclair


The single management unit (4VWX/5Zc) for Scotian Shelf/Bay of Fundy white hake may encompass up to four stock components. These are tentatively identified as a Scotian Shelf component, a possibly discrete slope component, a Gulf of Maine contiguous with the U.S.A. 5ZY/6 white hake management area, and a Laurentian Channel component contiguous with the 4T Channel component as well as (perhaps) the slope component. Overall trends in landings suggest that most of the stock(s) in the 4VWX are in decline, while the western 4X/5Zc portion may be doing relatively well. Preliminary estimates of total annual mortality infer that fishing mortality in recent years has been above the F0.1 target. Length frequencies are skewed toward younger ages, and there are fewer large fish in the eastern part of the management unit compared to earlier time periods. Before 1996 there were no restrictions on fishing effort for white hake in 4VWX and 5Zc.

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