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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/106

Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in eight rivers in the Newfoundland Region, 1995

By M.F. O'Connell; D.G. Reddin; C.C. Mullins


The status of Atlantic salmon in 1995 was determined for Campbellton River located in Salmon Fishing Area (SFA) 4, Middle Brook and Terra Nova River in SFA 5, Biscay Bay River in SFA 9, Northeast River in SFA 10, and Lomond River, Torrent River, and Western Arm Brook in SFA 14A. Assessments were conducted in relation to the five-year moratorium on the commercial Atlantic salmon fishery, which entered its fourth year in 1995. Target spawning requirement was met in Terra Nova River and Biscay Bay River; target was exceeded in all the remaining rivers. Compared to the late 1970s and early 1980s, since 1989, estimated total population sizes of small salmon for Middle Brook, Biscay Bay River, and Western Arm Brook have been quite low. Estimated total river returns of small salmon for Middle Brook and Western Arm Brook in 1996 are expected to exceed target requirement; returns to Biscay Bay River are expected to be below target. An estimated 5.0% of Atlantic salmon entering Campbellton River in 1995 possessed net marks, compared to 6.2% in 1994; these are minimum estimates.

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