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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/114

Update on the status of Unit 3 redfish: 1996

By R. Branton


The document summarizes commercial fishery and research survey data for Unit 3 redfish from January 1995 to July 1996. Most of the catch during the period was taken by small otter trawlers (less than 65 feet). The 1995 landings were approximately the same as in the previous two years, but well below the TAC. The 1995 fishery generally began in April, but declined after May, and was essentailly over by the end of October. The 1996 fishery generally began in April, with July showing highest landings to date, although they were somewhat less than for the same period in 1995. Redfish fishing operations using small mesh gear (i.e. <130 mm square) during the period were constrained by DFO management initiatives to avoid the capture of small redfish and bycatch of other groundfish species as well as conflicts with fixed gear. Commercial effort for otter trawlers were examined but many changes in the fishery made resulting catch rates impossible to interpret in the context of redfish abundance. Present biomass as judged from the 1995 and 1996 surveys is not greatly different than average since the late 1980s however there continues to be increased numbers of small redfish particularly in the area north and east of Brown's Bank. There is as yet no indication that this recruitment will result in a marked increase in biomass but combined with the low exploitation rates which currently prevail, should result in fishing and stock conditions in 1997 being very much the same as in recent years.

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