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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/115

Divison 3O redfish - status update

By D. Power; D.B. Atkinson; W.B. Brodie


Nominal catches have ranged between 3,000 t and 35,000  since 1960. Up to 1986, catches averaged 13,000 , increased to 35,000 t by 1988,. and have declined subsequently to about 3,000 t in 1995. TACs were exceeded in 1987 (by 7,000 t) and 1988 (by 21,000 t) due primarily to increased activity outside the 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) by countries who were not contracting parties of NAFO (primarily Panama and South Korea) and didn't have bilateral agreements with Canada. Foreign fleets, which predominantly fish outside the EEZ account for most of the catch. Canada fishes inside the EEZ and has taken less that 200 t each year since 1982, but has increased landings in recent years. Standardized commercial catch rate indices are not considered reflective of stock abundance inside the EEZ. For fleets fishing outside the EEZ where most of the effort is located, they show a declining trend since the early-to-mid 1980s. RV surveys show different trends seasonally, and are difficult to interpret, but indicate there are more small redfish of recruiting sizes (17 cm - 22 cm) available in Division 3O than previous years. Based on stock stability in the past with average catches of about 15,000 t and the recent increase in survey estimates of trawlable abundance indicating substantially improved recruitment, it is believed that catches at this level do not appear to have altered the dynamics that occur in the area and will be harmful to the resource.

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