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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/122

Status of Atlantic salmon in the Restigouche River in 1995

By A. Locke; R. Pickard; F. Mowbray; G. Landry; A. Madden; P. D'Amours


Salmon egg deposition and large salmon spawning escapement in the Restigouche system were approximately 32% lower than 1994 levels. The estimated spawning escapements, based on an angling-based methodology with an assumed exploitation rate of 0.3, were approximately 8,000 large (67% of target) and 4,000 small (141% of target) salmon. Minimum population estimates obtained from visual surveys of spawners resembled these estimates.

Returns were approximately 12,000 large and 6,000 small salmon. Angling catches (retained + released) were 2,792 large and 1,589 small salmon. Retained large salmon catch (Quebec) was 866 fish. Estimated First Nations harvest was 1,187 large and 39 small salmon. Large and small salmon angling catches decreased by 19% and 60%, respectively, relative to the five-year means. Low water levels delayed upriver migration of salmon until late in the angling season.

Fry densities determined by electrofishing were the second highest since 1989. Age 1 parr were the most abundant in 24 years of electrofishing this system.

Assuming average (1991-1995) returns in 1996, total returns (angling based estimate, exploitation rate of 0.3 to 0.5) will be 9,000-14,000 large salmon and 8,000-13000 small salmon.

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