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Atlantic Fisheries Research Document 1996/132

Scallop on the Scotian Shalf for 1995 - eastern Scotian Shelf and German Bank

By G. Robert; M.A.E. Butler


Scallop fishing grounds on the eastern Scotian Shelf (Middle Grounds, Sable Island Bank, and Western Bank) were grouped under one allocation plan in 1995 with a TAC of 150 t. The catch limit was based on the low end of historical catches over the period 1980 to 1994. The management plan is focusing on a stock recovery strategy. Catches have yet to return to the long term average of 250 t. Effort has followed the same trends as catches. Both have increased slightly from 1994 to 1995. CPUEs have improved by 15%.

There has been an improvement in the abundance index from research surveys mainly due to young recruits. However, they would contribute little yield to the fishery at 60 - 90+ meats per 500 g. The meat count regulation at 45 meats per 500 g will allow the incoming recruitment to realise its growth potential. All indications are that recent catch levels appear appropriate.

On the western Scotian Shelf, the German Bank scallop fishery resumed in 1993 after a seven-year interruption. In 1995, the fishery closed after 400 t were caught. Effort has been steadily rising since 1993. Catch-rates decreased 50% from 1994 to 1995. Survey results showed good densities of ages 7+ scallops.

The rapid decline in the 1995 fishery performance would suggest that recent catch levels are not sustainable and that a TAC of 100 t would be more appropriate. Catch-rate and meat counts should be monitored.

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