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Research Document 1997/23

Status of Atlantic salmon stocks in selected rivers of Cape Breton Island

By T.L. Marshall, L. Forsyth, R. Jones, P. LeBlanc, and K. Rutherford


Assessments of the status of adult Atlantic salmon were conducted on the Margaree, Middle, Baddeck, North, and Grand rivers of SFAs 18 and 19, Cape Breton Island. These rivers accounted for 93% of the total recreational fishing effort exerted on the Island's 24 rivers reportedly fished for salmon in 1996. Assessments of juvenile salmon abundance were conducted on the above rivers as well as the Sydney, Gaspereau and Tillard rivers in SFA 19.

Returning salmon were either counted at fishways or estimated by mark-and-recapture techniques. Estimated returns of 2,792 large and 1,685 small salmon to the Margaree River, 323 large and 243 small salmon to the North River, 12 large and 333 small to Grand River Falls and 473 large and 126 small salmon to the Middle River contributed to the attainment, in total, of 242%, 246%, 147% and 105% of respective total conservation requirements. Returns of 263 large and 66 small fish to the Baddeck River contributed to the attainment of 60% of conservation requirements. Juvenile densities on the Margaree River exceeded "normal" (Elson 1967) abundance; densities of the Middle, Baddeck and Sydney rivers approximated "normal" and those of the North, Tillard, Gaspereau and Grand rivers ranged from slightly-less to much-less than "normal".

Quantitative and qualitative prognoses are that MSW returns in 1997 should in general be similar in magnitude to those of 1996. 1SW returns in 1997 are expected to be similar to those of 1996 with the exception that returns to the North and Margaree rivers will not include 1SW fish of hatchery-origin smolts. Only the 1SW returns to the Grand River in 1997 will have a component based on stocking of hatchery smolts.

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