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Research Document 1997/33

Status of three enhanced Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stocks of the Newfoundland Region in 1996

By C.E.Bourgeois, J.P. Davis, J. Murray, V. Mercer


The status of Atlantic salmon in three systems, namely Rocky River, Little River and Flat Bay Brook which are presently undergoing salmon enhancement activities are assessed. The systems are located in Salmon Fishing Areas (SFA) 9, 11 and 13 respectively. Egg deposition for each watershed was 34%, 298% and 65% respectively of the required conservation egg deposition. Of these systems, only the Little River would have had salmon returning in 1996 from previous stocking activities. Romaines River in SFA 13 and Piper's Hole River in SFA 10 are updated in terms of stocking activities.

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