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Research Document 1997/34

Stock status of Atlantic salmon from Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland

By J.B. Dempson and G. Furey


Results obtained from a fish counting fence provided the basis for the assessment of the Conne River Atlantic salmon stock in 1996. Returns to home waters (river and estuary) were 4440 salmon < 63 cm in length and 179 salmon ³ 63 cm in size. This represented an increase of 27% for small salmon in comparison with 1995 and were the highest returns since 1989. Large salmon returns increased by 63% over 1995. Sea survival to 1SW salmon increased to the highest level since 1989-90 (5.76%). The Management Target was met for the first time in six years (1990). Conne River Atlantic salmon returns from smolts that were reared in an aquaculture facility at Roti Bay contributed about 5% of the 1996 egg deposition. A mark-recapture study suggested a smolt run in 1996 of over 90,000, the highest to date. Adult salmon returns in 1997 are expected to be above the Management Target assuming that sea survival is at least as high as it was in the previous year. The commercial salmon fishery moratorium has had a negligible impact on the Conne River salmon stock. Total salmon returns, sea survival and proportion of large salmon in the run were all higher during the premoratorium period (1986-1991). The commercial salmon moratorium coincided with a period of declining sea survival of Conne River salmon. Finally, the distinction between the current Management Target and the conservation egg requirement for Conne River is clarified.

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