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Research Document 1997/40

Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Middle Brook and Terra Nova River (SFA 5), Biscay Bay River (SFA 9), and Northeast River, Placentia (SFA 10), Newfoundland, 1996

By M.F. O'Connell and D.G. Reddin


The status of Atlantic salmon stocks was determined for Middle Brook and Terra Nova River in Salmon Fishing Area (SFA) 5, Biscay Bay River in SFA 9, and Northeast River in SFA 10 in 1996. Assessments were also conducted in relation to the commercial salmon fishery moratorium which entered its fifth year in 1996. Conservation egg requirement was achieved in all five years of the moratorium for Middle Brook and Northeast River and in three out of five years for Biscay Bay River (which included 1996). Although conservation requirement has never been achieved in Terra Nova River, egg depositions during the moratorium tended to be higher than prior to the moratorium. However, it should be noted that accessible rearing habitat above the lower Terra Nova River fishway more than doubled with the opening of the area above Mollyguajeck Falls in the early 1990s. There were significant increases in returns of small and large salmon and proportions of large salmon in moratorium years (1992-96) over pre-moratorium years (1984-91) for all rivers except Biscay Bay River. Contrary to expectations, proportions of repeat spawning grilse in the small salmon category decreased significantly in Terra Nova River and Biscay Bay River and also decreased in Middle Brook, but not significantly; however the proportion for Northeast River did increase, but not significantly. Weights and lengths of small salmon observed during the moratorium were significantly higher than recorded prior to the moratorium for all rivers. Condition index increased significantly over that of the pre-moratorium period for Biscay Bay River and Northeast River while the reverse was true for Terra Nova River; there was no significant difference for Middle Brook. Compared to the late 1970s and early 1980s, estimated total population sizes of small salmon for Middle Brook and Biscay Bay River have been quite low. It is anticipated that returns of small salmon for Middle Brook and Biscay Bay River in 1997 will exceed conservation requirement.

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