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Research Document 1997/41

Status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Gander River, Notre Dame Bay (SFA 4), Newfoundland, 1996

By M.F. O'Connell, D.G. Reddin and E.G.M. Ash


The status of Atlantic salmon in Gander River in 1996 was determined using counts of small and large salmon from a counting fence located on the main stem just above head of tide, recreational fishery data, and biological characteristics information. The assessment was also conducted in relation to the commercial salmon fishery moratorium which entered its fifth year in 1996. The number of small salmon retained in the recreational fishery in 1996 was the highest since 1985; effort expenditure was the highest in the time series. The river received 124% of its conservation egg requirement in 1996, the third time since the start of the moratorium that the requirement was met; in excess of 90% of requirement was achieved in 1994 and 1995. Only 36-44% of conservation requirement was met during the pre-moratorium period 1989-91. There were significant increases in returns of small and large salmon during the moratorium (1992-96) over returns during pre-moratorium years 1989-91. However, proportions of large salmon and proportions of repeat spawning grilse in the small salmon category did not change significantly from pre-moratorium levels. Weights and lengths of small salmon observed during the moratorium increased significantly over those prior to the moratorium but there was no significant difference in condition index. There was a significant decline in estimated total population sizes of small salmon during the period 1974-96. Recruitment during 1989-96 was among the lowest in the time series. The number of recruits per spawner in 1996 was the highest since 1988. It is anticipated that returns of small salmon in 1997 will be in excess of conservation requirement. For the years 1994-96, of the small salmon examined, 6.9-16.1% possessed net marks; 5.9-46.1% of large salmon were marked.

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