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Research Document 1997/43

Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) in Crabbes, Robinsons and Middle Barachois Rivers, Bay St. George, Newfoundland, 1996

By T.R. Porter


Adult Atlantic salmon were visually counted in Crabbes, Middle Barachois, and Robinsons rivers during the last week of August by swimmers snorkeling down each river. Salmon were only found in pools, generally with water depths greater than 1 m. An adjustment factor was applied to the counts in each Section surveyed to account for fish not counted in the larger pools. The actual count and the adjusted count provided an estimate of the minimum and maximum numbers of salmon in each river. There were no known removals before or after the survey since only `hook and release' angling was permitted. The minimum and maximum estimate of the numbers of salmon counted in each river are: Crabbes River, 144-239 large and 592-844 small salmon; Middle Barachois, 34-36 large and 755-805 small salmon; and Robinsons 102-120 large and 659-768 small salmon. Neither river attained its conservation egg deposition requirements. Crabbes River obtained 44-68% of the egg deposition required for Conservation ; whereas, Middle Barachois River received 76-81% and Robinsons River received 57-67% of their conservation requirements. The estimated percentage of conservation levels attained for each river in 1996 was similar to that previously estimated for 1994 using angling exploitation rates. The information available did not lend itself to forecasting the abundance of salmon in 1997.

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