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Research Document 1997/47

Georges Bank scallop stock assessment - 1996

By G.Robert, M. Butler


The 1996 TAC was set at 3,000 t. This is a 50% increase over the 1995 level. The rise in catch-rates was sharp, 77% from 1995 to 1996. The TAC had been set upward with the advent of a stronger year class (1992 year class) in the fishery

The total biomass has increased from 1995. It is concentrated mainly in young recruits, ages 3 and 4. The biomass for the directed age group, 4 - 7, has also increased in 1996 due to the 1992 year class. Recruitment has improved with the 1992 year class strength close to long term average.

The 1997 fishery will rely on the 1992 year class at age 5 as its main constituent. But the 1992 year class had already brought an important contribution to the 1996 fishery at age 4. Young recruits almost double the meat yield from age 4 to age 5. Fishing scenarios for 1997 should be conservative to harvest older scallops and to avoid dependence on the incoming year class.

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