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Research Document 1997/60

Trends in abundance of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) and environmental conditions in the northwest Atlantic

By E.G. Dawe and E.B. Colbourne


Trends in abundance and distribution of short-finned squid (Illex illecebrosus) were examined in relation to environmental variation during 1970­96. Squid abundance was relatively stable in the southern-most fishery area, on the eastern USA Continental Shelf, and did not appear to be related to environmental variation. Highly variable abundance in northern fishery areas, the Nova Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland was correlated with latitudinal displacement of the Gulf Stream Front and the Shelf-­Slope Front. Displacement of the Gulf Stream Front was correlated with area of ice coverage and bottom temperature in the Newfoundland Region. Adaptive mechanisms whereby the environment may affect squid distribution and abundance are discussed.

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