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Research Document 1997/89

1997-98 Bay of Fundy scallop stock assessment: analysis of Area 4 survey

By E. Kenchington


This document presents the results and preliminary analysis of the June 1997 scallop stock survey in Scallop Production Area 4 off Digby, Nova Scotia. The efficiency of the survey is evaluated and the numbers-at-age by stratum are presented. Survey biomass and abundance is calculated and used to estimate population biomass.

The 1997 survey identified a weak 1995 year class with the 1992 and 1993 year classes being above the average compared to similar ages from 1991 to 1997. The 1992 year class will enter the fishery in 1997 while the 1993 year class will not enter the fishery until 1998. These larger year classes have settled in the Centreville to Digby area, which has been closed to fishing since 1995. Population biomass estimates for the whole of Area 4 are 736 mt (lower and upper 95% confidence intervals (c.i.) of 655 and 819 mt) for the ages 5 and older (5+), while the 6+ biomass is estimated as 478 mt (95% c.i. 421, 542). Population biomass estimates for the portion of Area 4 which was open to fishing in 1996 (Digby to Parkers Cove) are 229 mt for the 5+ scallops and 143 mt for the 6+, reflecting the recruitment of the 1992 year class. These results are similar to those predicted from the 1996 survey (Kenchington et al. 1997).

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