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Research Document 1997/98

Comparison of the relationship between lobster catch rates and temperature between the spring (LFA 24) and the fall (LFA 25) lobster fishery in the Gulf in St. Lawrence

By M. Comeau, P. Mallet, and G. Robichaud


The relationship between the mean daily temperature (MDT) and daily catch per unit effort (CPUE) for lobster was study in two different lobster fishing areas (LFA) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. Data were collected in 8 different study sites representing a spring (LFA 24; Alberton, Malpeque, Tracadie Bay and North Lake) and a fall (LFA 25; Pointe-Sapin, Cap Lumière, Robichaud and Pugwash) fishery. Lobster landings and number of trap hauls were available through a volunteer program by fishers and bottom temperatures were measured from moored thermistors. The analysis showed that their was no relationship between the MDT during the 24 hr prior to trap being hauled and CPUE for all the study sites in LFA 25, and that a good relationship between the MDT and CPUE was observed for only 2 out of the 4 sites in LFA 24. The total absence of a relationship in LFA 25 was attributed to the high water temperature recorded during the entire fall lobster fishing season.

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