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Research Document 1997/132

Shelf rockfish stock assessment for 1997 and yield options for 1998

By R. Stanley and V. Haist


Interim assessments are provided for silvergray, widow and canary rockfish. Recommendations for these species are unchanged from the previous year. The ranges for silvergray rockfish in PMFC Areas 3C+3D (Vancouver Island), 5A+5B (Queen Charlotte Sound), 5C+5D (Hecate Strait) and 5E (West Coast Vancouver Island) are 150-425 t, 350-700 t, 125-400 t, and 175-300 t, respectively. Landings in 1996 for the three stocks were 190, 411, 609, and 272 t. Recommended yield ranges for the canary rockfish stocks of Area 3C+3D and Area 5A+5B are unchanged at 350-525 t, and 200-400 t, respectively. Landings for the two stocks were 312 and 131 t. The recommended coastwide yield range for widow rockfish is unchanged at 1,100-3,000 t. Landings were 1,702 t in 1996.

The yield recommendation for the coastal yellowtail rockfish fishery (Areas 3D-5E) is lowered from 2,750-5,100 t to 2,000-4,025 t. Landings were 4,122 t in 1996. The change in the assessment follows a catch-age analysis which attributes the relative absence of older fish in recent years and the lack of evidence of significant recent recruitment, to a steady decline in abundance. The yield recommendation for the yellowtail rockfish stock of PMFC Area 3C fishery (south Vancouver Island) is combined with the northern Washington fishery (Areas 3C-US and 3B). The recommendation is raised from 1,000-2,000 t to 1,100-2,400 t based on a re-assessment of the stock by U.S. biologists. Landings were 4,664 in 1996. The rise in quota reflects a minor change in perception of the current biomass but, managers are advised that the assessments in both years indicated a major decline in the abundance of this stock, and other yellowtail rockfish U.S. stocks to the south.

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