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Research Document 1997/133

Inshore rockfish stock assessment for the west coast of Canada in 1997 and recommended yield options for 1998

By K.L. Yamanaka and A.R. Kronlund


Coastwide hook and line catch of inshore rockfish is estimated at 2,041 t from all sources (commercial and recreational). Data sources for this update have changed from previous years. There remains very conservative estimates of recreational catch and no estimates of aboriginal catch coastwide. No new analyses are presented in this interim assessment for inshore rockfish. Information from logbook records in the Strait of Georgia show declines in catch per unit of effort (CPUE) indices for quillback rockfish (Sebastes maliger) in the three major fishing locations; lower Gulf Islands, Campbell River and Queen Charlotte Sound. Preliminary analyses of similar logbook CPUE indices for the West Coast Vancouver Island show declines for yelloweye rockfish (Sebastes ruberrimus) in statistical area 27. Logbook data analyses for the other management regions of the coast are pending. Given the declining trends in the logbook analyses, a precautionary approach to management is advised as well as a review of quotas on a region by region basis.

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