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Research Document 1998/05

An assessment of the conversion factors used in the Div. 4VsW skate fishery

By J.E. Simon


A combination of closures of traditional groundfish fisheries on the Scotian Shelf and the opening of markets for skate wings resulted in the development of a directed skate fishery in 1994. When industry met with DFO that year to review the fishery, one of their concerns was that the 4:1 conversion factor (25% yield) used by DFO to convert wing weight to round weight was inappropriate. Industry provided evidence from daily product yield records to support this point of view, these were accepted by DFO and an interim conversion factor of 2.7:1(37 % yield) was enacted. Improved yields in 1995 and 1996 were realized as industry's experience with processing skate increased. Also a conversion from a combination of machine cutting and handcutting of wings to mostly handcutting wings resulted in improved yields. In 1997, at the request of RAP a study was initiated to investigate and document the present yields in fishery. This analysis indicated that a conversion factor of 2.2:1 (45% yield) would more accurately reflect the yields now realized by industry. These yields appear to be stable across season and the length range of skate caught by industry. At present all vessels prosecuting the fishery are hand cutting their product. Yields from machine cut fish will differ and may require different conversion.

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