Research Document 1998/14
Age composition, growth and maturity of cod in inshore waters of Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L as determined from sentinel surveys (1995-1997)
By G.R. Lilly, J. Brattey, and M.B. Davis
Samples of cod (Gadus morhua) caught during sentinel surveys in Divisions 2J, 3K and 3L during 1995-1997 provided information on age compositions, lengths-at-age and age at 50% maturity. Age compositions from linetrawl catches in 3K provide evidence of an increase in the number of age-classes making important contribution to the catch during 1995-1997. Age compositions in gillnet catch during 1997 were dominated by the 1990 year-class throughout southern 3K and 3L. The importance of both the 1989 and 1992 year-classes increased toward the south. Age at maturity of fish in the inshore is difficult to estimate because of the paucity of small fish in the sentinel samples, but it does not appear to differ from that of fish in the offshore. The life history of cod in the inshore is discussed.
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