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Research Document 1998/22

Comparative Analysis of 1995, 1996, and 1997 Sentinel Data with Interpretative Information from Fish Harvesters, 3Ps

By H. Jarvis


Catch rates (1997) from cod traps have increased from 1995 and 1996.

While catch rates from nets and trawls have decreased during 1997, they remain above the "bench mark" level (100 pounds per net and 500 pounds per 500 hooks) of a good catch rate suggested by fish harvesters during 1995. Trawl catches are highest at Placentia Bay sites and have not changed (decrease) to the degree catches west of the Burin Peninsula have.

Commercial catch rates, inshore and offshore, were high and quotas were caught quickly.

Their is no significant difference (overall in 3Ps - fair to good) in the abundance of bait fish since 1995. Weather conditions during 1995 were fair, during 1996 were good, and during 1997 were poor.

Most areas have reported good signs of recruitment.

The average number of cod per net from the 3.25" mesh verses the average number of cod from the 5.5" mesh appear to indicate there has been some recruitment.

Regretfully, sentinel data cannot be used to calculate biomass estimates. Science does not have a model or formula for computing biomass estimates from data collected by fixed gear (nets, trawls, hand lines or cod traps). While still very important to the stock assessment process, the maximum utilization of sentinel data will not occur until a formula or model is developed.

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