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Research Document 1998/24

Movement patterns of inshore cod in Subdivision 3Ps (southern Newfoundland) based on marked-recapture studies during 1996-97

By G.L. Lawson, G.A. Rose


We address movements of cod inhabiting inshore areas of subdivision 3Ps (southern Newfoundland) based on mark-recapture experiments during 1996 and 1997. Cod were tagged with spaghetti t-bar tags at thirteen locations in Placentia Bay and adjacent areas at times representing important stages in cod life history. Spawning cod tagged in the inner reaches of Placentia Bay during spring 1996 and 1997 moved outwards along both the East and West sides of Placentia Bay during spring and summer, although the movement continued farther out the bay on the East side. A portion of these East side migrants crossed the stock boundary between NAFO subdivision 3Ps and Div. 3L, and continued northward around the Avalon Peninsula . Smaller fish (<50 cm) tended to remain resident in the inner portions of Placentia Bay, and did not migrate as far as larger (>50 cm) individuals. Fish tagged at the mouth of Placentia Bay (Cape St. Mary's) did not move into the bay during spring and summer, but instead remained in the area or migrated in Div. 3L. Exchange of cod occurred between Fortune and Placentia Bays, but fish tagged in Fortune bay were never recaptured farther west. No tagged cod were reported as recaptured from offshore areas in 3Ps or from the Gulf of St. Lawrence (3Pn4RS).

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