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Research Document 1998/28

Status of Atlantic salmon in Conne River, SFA 11, Newfoundland, 1997

By J.B. Dempson, G. Furey, and M. Bloom


Results obtained from a fish counting fence provided the basis for the assessment of the Conne River Atlantic salmon stock in 1997. Returns to home waters (river and estuary) were 3200 salmon < 63 cm in length and 185 salmon ≥ 63 cm in size. This represented a decrease of 28% for small salmon in comparison with 1996. Large salmon returns were similar to those of the previous year. Sea survival to 1SW salmon fell to the lowest level recorded (2.64%). Only 70% of the Management Target was met but 125% of the conservation egg requirement was attained. A mark-recapture study estimated a smolt run in 1997 of over 100,000, the highest to date. The commercial salmon fishery moratorium has had a negligible impact on the Conne River salmon stock. Salmon returns and sea survival rates continue to remain below levels experienced during the premoratorium period (1986-1991).

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