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Research Document 1998/32

Update of the status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Richibucto River in 1997

By G. Atkinson and G. Cormier


Angling effort on the Richibucto River is low and catch estimates are not made. Aboriginal community harvest has not been reported since 1994. Anecdotal accounts of poaching are numerous but undocumented. Returns of Atlantic salmon to a portion of the main stem of the Richibucto River were determined through the operation of a counting fence. Spawning escapement above the fence was 21 large and 24 small salmon, representing only 15% of the conservation egg requirement for the area. Electroseining data suggest that significant spawning of salmon occurs only in the main Richibucto and Coal Branch rivers, and that juvenile densities there, both historically and at present, are extremely low. It is concluded that conservation spawning escapement on these two rivers was not achieved in 1997, and probably has not been in the recent past. It is therefore unlikely that conservation requirements for Atlantic salmon will be met on the Richibucto system in 1998, or that there will be an harvestable surplus.

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