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Research Document 1998/34

Stock status of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi river, 1997

By G. Chaput, D. Moore, J. Hayward, C. Ginnish, and B. Dubé


Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Miramichi River, New Brunswick, were harvested by two user groups in 1997; First Nations and recreational fishers. The Aboriginal food fishery catches in 1997 represented a decrease of 45% for small and an increase of 67% for large salmon relative to the previous five years. Harvest of large salmon were 65% from the early-run (prior to Sept. 1) while 82% of the small salmon harvests were taken prior to Sept. 1 in 1997. Recreational fishery catches for 1997 were 21% below the previous five-year mean. The Crown Reserve catches also decline by more than 30% relative to the previous five-year mean. For the Southwest Miramichi, 13486 small salmon and 10999 large salmon were estimated to have returned in 1997. After accounting for all removals, egg depositions in the Southwest Miramichi by both small and large salmon were 78% of the conservation requirement. For the Northwest Miramichi, 9788 small salmon and 7024 large salmon were estimated to have returned. Egg depositions by small and large salmon in the Northwest in 1997 were 104% of conservation requirement. Egg depositions had exceeded the conservation requirements in each branch during the last five years. The 1998 forecast for large salmon returning to the Miramichi is 22178 with a 78% probability of not meeting spawning requirements. The increased densities of juvenile salmon, since 1985 for fry and 1986 for parr, at the index sites sampled since 1971, indicate that the long-term prospect for the Atlantic salmon stock of the Miramichi is for continued and increased abundance of salmon. Furunculosis induced mortalities of Atlantic salmon were confirmed for the first time in the Miramichi River during 1997.

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