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Research Document 1998/47

Assessment of the NAFO Division 4T Atlantic herring stock, 1997

By R. Claytor, C. LeBlanc, C. MacDougall, and G. Poirier


The updated fall spawner F0.1 fishing level for 1998 based on this assessment is 66,000t. This level is an increase over the projected amount of 45,000t for 1998 based on the assessment of the 1996 fishery. The 4+ biomass for fall spawners is estimated to be 350,000t compared to 250,000t in 1996. Fishing mortality on the fully recruited ages (5-11+ years-old) was 0.28 compared to the target of 0.30. Three of the four most recent year-classes are now average or above compared to two of the four being above average last year. The 1993 year-class comprises 38% of the 66,000 F0.1 1998 fishing level. Given the present age structure and the uncertainty of the size of the 1993 year-class, fishing below F0.1 was identified as a prudent approach.

The updated spring spawner F0.1 fishing level for 1998 based on this assessment is 16,500t. This level is an increase over the projected amount of 15,000t for 1998 based on the assessment of the 1996 fishery. The 4+ biomass for spring spawners is estimated to be 71,000t compared to 82,000t in 1996. Fishing mortality on the fully recruited age (7 year-olds) was 0.40 slightly below the target of 0.44. One very large year-class and one very small year-class are present in the fishery at this time.

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