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Research Document 1998/52

1998 Evaluation of 4VWX Herring

By R.L. Stephenson, M.J. Power, K.J. Clark, G.D. Melvin, F.J. Fife, and S.D. Paul


Spawning stock biomass (SSB) of the southwest (SW) Nova Scotia spawning component is estimated from acoustic surveys of spawning grounds to exceed 500,000t. Age composition has improved, but contains a relatively small fraction of fish older than the 1992 year-class. Large amounts of spawning fish were documented on German Bank and in Scots Bay, but spawning was again absent or below historical levels on some traditional grounds. The 1998 catch should be less than 100,000t.

Catches from the second year of a reactivated Scotian Shelf banks fishery almost doubled in 1997 to approximately 20,000t. Age composition from both the fishery and research survey showed a dominant 1992 year-class and a rather narrow age distribution. There is little quantitative information on which to evaluate the status of this stock.

With a few exceptions, the fisheries and stock status of spawning groups along the coast of Nova Scotia remain undocumented. The lack of information precludes evaluation of stock status. Improved documentation of these spawning areas and fisheries is essential.

The Bras D'Or lakes spawning component exhibits a continuing trend of decline. In 1997 there was a further decrease in spawning locations, an absence of fish in several traditional fishing areas, low levels of larvae, and an intensification of effort in the few, very small remaining areas of herring spawning distribution. From a biological perspective, no fishing should take place on this spawning component in 1998.

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