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Research Document 1998/59

Summary of the food fishery for cod in NAFO Division 3Ps in 1997 with comparison to 1994 and 1996

By T. Inkpen and D. W. Kulka


The food fishery (previously referred to as recreational handlining) was restricted to NAFO Divs. 3Ps and 4R (the south and west coasts of Newfoundland) in 1997 whereas it was previously open in NAFO Divs. 2J, 3K, 3L, 3P and 4R along the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador in 1993, 1994 and 1996. The 1997 fishery was opened for two consecutive three-day weekends, Sept. 12-14 and Sept. 19-21, compared to two weekends in September in 1996, five weekends in August-September in 1994 and an unrestricted fishery in 1993. No fishery was permitted in 1995. This paper summarises the 1997 fishery in NAFO Div. 3Ps in terms of catch, catch rates and fish size and compares the results to earlier years. Landings estimated for NAFO Div. 3Ps from observations by fishery officers indicate a catch in the range 292t for 1997, more than twice the 1996 food fishery catch (140 t) in 3Ps. Catch rates were similar between the two weekly fishing periods in 3Psa, South coast (average 1.69 fish per hook per hour) and in 3Psb, Fortune Bay (average 1.59) but lower in the second week (1.49) than in the first (1.83) in 3Psc, Placentia Bay. The overall average of 1.64 for all areas and time periods is lower than the 2.1 fish per hook per hour observed in 1994 and 1996 indicating a reduction in the local density of fish from previous years during the fall fishery. These numbers are substantially lower than catch rates recorded from the northeast coast in 1996 (2.0 to 6.8). Size of fish was found to be similar between 3Psa and 3Psb (55 and 58 cm) for both weeks combined although more large fish (wider range) were found in 3Psc where the average size caught was 61 cm. The fish were of a similar size in 1997 and 1996 but larger than in 1994. However, different gear used in 1994 versus 1996 and 1997 may affect a comparison of size of fish. In 1994, both jiggers as well as baited hooks and lures were used while in 1996 and 1997, effort was restricted to lures and baited and feather hooks.

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