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Research Document 1998/71

Survey of sea scallop abundance and distribution in western Northumberland Strait (SFA 22), June 1997

By J.M. Hanson


Sea scallop abundance and distribution in the western half of Northumberland Strait (Scallop Fishing Area [SFA] 22, southern Gulf of St. Lawrence) were evaluated by means of a research survey in June 1997. This was the first research survey conducted since 1986 and the first, since research on sea scallops began in SFAs 21 to 24, to cover an entire fishing area. There was a discrete concentration of sea scallops in the eastern part of the SFA (Cape Tormentine area) that was comprised of individuals 40 to 109 mm shell height (SH) - animals > 109 mm were very rare. There were several smaller concentrations in the western part of the SFA. Unlike the eastern concentration, sea scallops > 109 mm SH were found throughout the western end of the survey area. The total (40 to 155 mm SH) estimated population (not corrected for dredge efficiency) was 9.97 million animals. This was equivalent to 131 tonnes as meat, of which 115 t were from animals > 79 mm SH. Assuming a dredge efficiency of 10%, the post-fishing season abundance of sea scallops > 79 mm SH was 1149 t of meats in a survey area of 2,812 km2. Population abundance has declined over estimates from surveys conducted 1979 to 1986. Moreover, there was no indication of strong recruitment; therefore, an increase in fishable biomass is unlikely in the next few years.

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