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Research Document 1998/74

Quality of Newfoundland region cod age determination

By H.F. Hicks, R. Ennis, C. Cossitt, and C. Hiscock


An outline of methods used to assess precision of aging and records of precision from1978 to 1997 are presented. The result of a validation exercise involving early otolith collections (from 1978 to 1982) read by a current (1998) aging workgroup is documented. The aim of this exercise is to keep individuals interpreting ages of cod otolith samples in the Newfoundland Region at an 80% or greater agreement level with modal ages (Batten and Wells, 1979.). The results of otolith exchanges generally have exceeded requirements (Geddes, 1993.). The composition of the aging workgroup has changed over the years but agreement to the mode has been consistent.

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