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Research Document 1998/77

Results of the 1997 Fleming survey of demersal juvenile cod in the coastal zone of eastern Newfoundland

By D.A. Methven, D.C. Schneider, D.W. Ings, and M.B. Davis


The 1997 Fleming Survey for juvenile cod in coastal Newfoundland was conducted at the same sites, at the same time of year, and with the same sampling gear and protocol as in previous years. It was executed by local fishermen and one travelling scientist. The 1997 Fleming Survey was conducted between 23 September and 27 October. The primary objective was to assess annual change in abundance of 0-, 1- and 2-group cod in shallow water nursery areas of the east and northeast coasts. A total of 1828 juvenile cod (1645 0-group; 126 1-group; 57 2-group) were collected at 38 sites between St. Mary's Bay and western Notre Dame Bay. This is the highest mean catch of 0-group cod collected on any Fleming Survey since the cod moratorium began in 1992. The high mean catch of 0-group cod in 1997 was associated with high 95% confidence limits indicating a high contrast in catches among sites. 0-group cod were highly aggregated with 70.3% being caught in 3 tows at just two sampling sites. Highest catches of all age classes occurred in Trinity Bay. Catches of 1-group cod were low in 1997, a finding compatible with the historically low catches of 0-group cod collected in 1996 (mean=6.7 cod/tow). The high catch of 0-group cod in 1997 is predicted to result in high catches of 1-group cod in 1998. In addition, the high catch of 0-group cod in 1997 and the historically low catch of 0-group cod in 1996 provides two consecutive and contrasting yearclasses that may result in a detectable recruitment signal in subsequent years as the relatively poor 1996 and stronger 1997 yearclasses recruit. This is the second year that inshore fishermen have participated in the Fleming Survey and with sampling juvenile cod in coastal habitats. The willingness of fishermen to help and their interest in juvenile cod, and knowledge of the local area/conditions result in a fishermen based survey being a good way to sample small cod in coastal habitats. Conducting the Fleming Survey with fishermen in 1996-1997 puts in place a fishermen based framework for conducting the survey in future years.

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