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Research Document 1998/100

Northern Labrador Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon: catch and effort update for 1997

By M. Shears and J.B. Dempson


Catch and effort statistics for the northern Labrador Arctic charr fishery in 1997 are summarized and information on catch-at-age and weight-at-age updated. Total charr landings of 38 t were more than double that of 1996, the highest since 1993, but only 58% of the previous ten year (1987-96) mean of 65.5 t. Charr landings from the Nain Fishing Region were 34 t or 89% of the northern Labrador total. Landings from the Makkovik Fishing Region were 4 t. Nearly two thirds of the Nain Fishing Region catch (65%) originated from subareas north of Black Island. For the first time since 1993 effort in northern Labrador increased. Areas where effort increased included the Voisey and Okak stock units of the Nain Fishing Region. The increase in effort in the Okak stock unit is largely related to the issuance of new 'charr-only' fishing licences. However, owing to overall low effort in recent years, relative to the 1980's, current commercial catch rates as an index of stock abundance, are perhaps questionable. The experimental in-river terminal harvest for Arctic charr at Southwest Arm Brook, Saglek Fiord, continued in 1997 with the greatest catch recorded to date in the shortest fishing period. Atlantic salmon landings at Nain while higher than in 1996, were still the second lowest on record since 1977. Results of salmon landings are summarized for the period 1977-1997. Catch- and weight-at-age data, and tag release and recapture information are updated from past reports.

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