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Research Document 1998/125

Framework for a Tanner Crab (Chionoecetes tanneri and C. angulatus) fishery in waters off the West Coast of Canada

By J.A. Boutillier, R.B. Lauzier, A.C. Phillips, and L. Barton


A review and response to the results and recommendations on the initial Phase 0 review of tanner crab (Chionoecetes tanneri and C. angulatus) is presented. A framework is presented for a Phase 1 management system including: stock definition; data considerations; assessment models and policy evaluations. Management options and data requirements including: size, sex and season; TAC's based on harvest rates or biomass estimates; target or reference point thresholds; area closures; and other management options are outlined. A survey plan for potential Tanner crab harvest areas is presented.

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