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Research Document 1998/129

Evaluation of the possibility for effort increase in eastern Nova Scotia snow crab fishing Areas 23 and 24

By M. Biron


In this paper, we discuss the determination of a traditional fishing zone as well as the pros and cons for introducing additional fishing effort in the outer zones of Areas 23 and 24 based on the additional results to those presented at the January 1998 Regional Assessment Process meeting. Three issues have been considered when determining the surface of traditional fishing zones for snow crab 1) unweighted fishing effort distribution (presence/absence of logbook record within a 5° x 10° fishing grid) based on the historical logbook data, 2) weighted fishing effort distribution (fishing frequency-based within a 5° x 10° fishing grid) based on the logbook data, and 3) stock distribution (Biron et al., 1998).

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