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Research Document 1998/163

An Assessment of the possible impact of salmon aquaculture on Inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon stocks

By Peter G. Amiro


The uniqueness and status of inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is reviewed. Possible explanations for historic and recent low recruitment are postulated. Concurrent with the most recent and perhaps most severe decline is the developing salmon farming industry in the southern Bay of Fundy. Past tag recovery of inner Bay of Fundy origin smolts place their marine distribution coincident with the salmon farming industry in the western Bay of Fundy. Mechanisms for possible direct negative impact of salmon aquaculture on wild inner Bay of Fundy salmon are examined and logistically assessed. Three possible mechanisms could not be rejected: 1) predator attraction induced by salmon escapes from aquaculture preying on both wild and escapes; 2 ) disease; and 3) ecological change, either dependant or independant of aquaculture. Salmon stocks of the inner Bay of Fundy are critically low and opportunities for actions to prevent their extirpation are diminishing.

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