Research Document - 1999/024
Results of the sentinel surveys for cod conducted in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence in 1994-1998.
By G.A. Chouinard, B. Parent, K. Robichaud-Leblanc and D. Daigle
Sentinel surveys are limited removals from fish stocks where the fisheries are closed. They are designed to provide an index of abundance for the stock as well as detailed information on recruitment and adult biomass. In the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, the program started in the fall of 1994 and expanded during the following years. Information provided by fishers was used in the elaboration of the sampling protocol to direct effort on traditional fishing areas. Standardized catch rates were calculated for longlines and for mobile gears (lined and unlined seines and otter trawls). Overall, results to date do not suggest any significant increase in the abundance of cod in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence over the past few years. Length and age frequencies of the mobile gear projects using small mesh size suggest that the 1993-94 year-classes were smaller than those produced in 1995 and 1996.
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