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Research Document - 1999/031

The American lobster, Homarus Americanus, fishery in the Bay of Fundy (Lobster Fishing Areas 35, 36, and 38).

By P. Lawton, D.S. Pezzack, D.R. Duggan, D.A. Robichaud, M.B. Strong, and I.M. Gutt


The status of the lobster fishery in the Bay of Fundy (Lobster Fishing Areas (LFA's) 35, 36, and 38) is reviewed. Estimates of exploitation rate and levels of egg production per recruit (E/R) are presented. Projected impacts of conservation management changes currently in review are evaluated.

Landings have increased dramatically over the past two years and are well above average levels. The mean size of the catch in the upper bay has declined by about 10 mm (due to increased recruitment), but there has been no change in mean size in other areas where catches have been sampled. Because of the large number of pre-recruit lobsters appearing in at-sea samples, landings over 1000 t are expected to continue for several years.

A new analytical approach (length-based cohort analysis, LCA) generated lower estimates of exploitation rate than previous published estimates (based on moult-group comparison techniques). Current LCA estimates of exploitation rate range from 39-70%. A Bay of Fundy-wide exploitation rate was calculated for input into E/R analysis. For 1988-93 (stable landings period prior to recent increase) average exploitation rate was 53% (range 49 - 55%). Several options for doubling egg production per recruit in the Bay of Fundy are presented, using an exploitation rate of 53%, and a more conservative estimate of 70%.

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