Research Document - 1999/041
Acoustic Surveys in Placentia Bay and 3Ps, June 1996-1998.
By G. Rose and G. Lawson
Index acoustic/trawl surveys for cod during the spawning season have been conducted in June in Placentia Bay and a portion of 3Ps since 1996. The 1996 survey indicated the presence of approximately 9 Kt of cod primarily of the 1990 and 1992 year-classes. A similar survey in June of 1998 indicated the presence of 72 Kt of cod again dominated by the 1990 and 1992 year-classes, but also containing large numbers of 1993 and 1994 year-class. Cod were more widely distributed in 1998 than in 1996 and occurred at higher densities, with the major biomass located in the Oderin Bank area. A higher proportion of younger fish was found on the shelf than in the Bay. An inner Bay survey also conducted in June 1998 indicated an additional 3 Kt, with similar age structure to the outer Bay. Bay-only surveys in the spring of 1997 indicated the presence of approximately 45 Kt of cod in the inner and outer parts of Placentia Bay (ca. 40 Kt at Perch Rock, 4 Kt at Bar Haven, and 6 Kt at Oderin Bank).
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