Research Document - 1999/042
An assessment of cod stocks in NAFO divisions 2J+3KL.
By G.R. Lilly, P.A. Shelton, J. Brattey, N. Cadigan, E.F. Murphy and D.E. Stansbury
The structure of the 2J+3KL cod stock is reviewed, with emphasis on the extent to which cod currently in the inshore may be distinct from cod which formerly migrated between the offshore and the inshore. The status of the 2J+3KL cod stock is updated based on an additional year of data from commercial bycatch, research bottom-trawl surveys, prerecruit surveys, acoustic surveys in specific areas, sentinel surveys and a brief food fishery. A new source of information is an index fishery of about 3000t conducted in the inshore and the offshore. Also new are descriptions of cod distribution and migrations based on returns from recent tagging studies, and estimates of population size in the inshore based on those returns. Estimates of the consumption of cod by seals are revised and updated.
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