Research Document - 1999/064
Evaluation of 4VWX herring.
By R.L. Stephenson, M.Power, K. Clark, G. Melvin, J. Fife, S. Paul, L. Harris and S. Boates
Fishery, sampling and research results are compiled and used to evaluate the status of herring in the 4VWX area. Spawning stock biomass (SSB) of the southwest (SW) Nova Scotia herring spawning component was estimated from industry based acoustic surveys of spawning grounds to be at least 520,000t. Age composition continues to improve, but the population contains few fish older than the 1992 year-class. Large amounts of spawning fish were documented on German Bank and in Scots Bay, but spawning was again absent from the Seal Island grounds, and the Trinity Ledge spawning group remains below the level of the early 1980's.
The 1998 fishery for herring on the Scotian Shelf Banks landed 5,580t, substantially less than in the previous two years. The second year of a larval herring survey indicated spawning on the Western/Sable Island Bank area, and greater herring abundance in 1998 than in 1997. The July bottom trawl survey indicated a general increase in abundance and distribution. Age composition from both the fishery and research surveys showed a dominant 1992 year-class.
The fisheries and stock status of spawning groups along the coast of Nova Scotia remain undocumented except for Little Hope and Eastern Passage. A questionnaire survey improved documentation of these coastal spawning areas and fisheries, but further information is required to evaluate stock status. There is continued concern for the status of the Bras d'Or Lakes spawning herring.
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