Research Document - 1999/076
Overview of 1998 Hydrographic Sampling Effort and Near-Bottom Water Temperature and Salinity Conditions During the Canadian Research Vessel Groundfish Summer Surveys Conducted on the Scotian Shelf and in the Bay of Fundy (4VWX).
By R. Losier, F. Page, P. McCurdy, M. Ringuette, and J. McRuer
Hydrographic sampling effort and near-bottom water temperatures and salinities from the 1970-98 Canadian research vessel summer groundfish, stratified random, bottom-trawl surveys are summarised. The surveys cover NAFO divisions 4VWX. Temperatures in area 4V and Bay of Fundy were about average in 1998, while lower than average temperatures were recorded in areas 4W and the Scotian shelf portion of 4X, with a new record low mean temperature established for 4X this year. Salinities in area 4V tended to be slightly above normal, but all other areas recorded lower than average values. The 4X recorded historic low salinities for 1998. The largest deviations of temperatures and salinities continue to be on the eastern Scotian Shelf.
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