Research Document - 1999/097
Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill.) Population Dynamics and Recreational Fishery in Indian Bay Brook, Newfoundland (1995-1998).
By M.C. vanZyll de Jong, N.P. Lester, R.M. Korver, W. Norris, and B.L. Wicks
In response to anglers allegations of declining fishery, a monitoring and research program was initiated in Indian Bay Brook watershed. The program was designed to collect life history information and fisheries information on brook trout. The results presented describe the life history and recreational fishery and provide initial input parameters needed to develop a brook trout exploitation model. The brook trout exploitation model is described in a companion paper (Lester, Korver, van Zyll de Jong, Norris and Wicks 1999). It is anticipated that the data presented and the model describing brook trout exploitation will provide a scientific basis from which management guidelines and further data requirements can be developed.
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