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Research Document - 1999/100

Status of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) stock of Humber River, Newfoundland, 1998.

By C.C. Mullins and D. Caines


This is the ninth assessment of the Atlantic salmon stock of the Humber River. The results of the mark-recapture study in 1998 indicated that the population size of small salmon was less than in 1997 but that the proportion and number of large salmon were the highest recorded in the period of assessment, 1990-98. The percentage of the conservation requirement achieved in 1998 was 88% (95% CI = 60% - 135%) but could have been lower if not for the increase in the number of large salmon. Given the continued low returns of small salmon in 1998 compared to 1997, any anticipation of returns in 1999 should be made with caution. Recreational harvests in 1999 should be closely monitored to avoid overexploiting the stock if the run size is below conservation requirements. A reasonably accurate in-season prediction of the returns of small salmon (R2=0.9094 p=0.0009) in 1998 was provided by captures of small salmon at one of the tagging traps operated in the estuary. Estimates of the number of small salmon retained on the Humber River in 1994-98 based on the voluntary licence stub return system were similar to estimates based on angler surveys at Big Falls.

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