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Research Document - 1999/104

Inshore acoustic estimates of cod distributions near bottom in Bonavista Bay.

By J.T. Anderson, E.L. Dalley, A. Murphy and C. Lang


A new program of research carried out in coastal Newfoundland has focused on developing acoustic tools to measure both seabed habitats and fish use of these habitats. As part of this work, considerable effort has been directed to understanding the behaviour and distribution of juvenile Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) on and near the seabed using submersibles. Recent use of a high resolution digital acoustic echosounder has demonstrated the degree to which cod are observable near the seabed in Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland. In addition, we demonstrate diurnal behaviour in Atlantic cod in December 1998, where cod occur on and near the seabed by day and rise and disperse into the water column at night.

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