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Research Document - 1999/124

Evaluation of a New Assessment and Management Framework for West Coast Shrimp Stocks.

By J.A. Boutillier, J.A. Bond and H. Nguyen


In response to conservation concerns as a result of recent major shifts of effort into the shrimp trawl fishery in British Columbia, a quota management system for shrimp, incorporating catch ceilings and designated Shrimp Management Areas, was adopted in 1997. This new system required a different assessment data and information system, including the development of assessment tools which can be used to evaluate the dynamics of the stocks.

This paper summarizes the stock assessment activities carried out in 1997 and 1998, including both field and analytical assessment methods, identifies proposed changes, and discusses what will be required in the future under this new quota management system. The assessment tools used in 1997 and 1998 are evaluated, the setting of initial catch ceilings through forecasting of surveyed areas is discussed, and the extrapolation of information from surveyed areas to make inseason adjustments to non-surveyed areas is considered. Recommendations are made for the 1999/2000 shrimp trawl fishery. In addition, the management systems implemented in 1998 are discussed, and suggestions for 1999/2000 are made.

The paper notes that meeting objectives of conservation and developing databases that are required to understand the stock dynamics will require a long process of refinement of management and assessment systems. Over the long term, the management and assessment systems for these fisheries will undergo a number of changes as information is received on the key issues of biomass estimation, how populations respond to exploitation, and the appropriate management decision rules that should be adopted.

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